How would you like to be a happier person, more energetic, effective, liked and loved? How would you like to function better, smile more and live a better life, be a better you? Yeah, I know, it sounds like a bad info-mercial, but it is as possible as it sounds - and marked down to free; just takes a bit of your time and effort - are you with me?
iTunes and my iPhone keep me updated with new and improved stuff. Microsoft has seemingly daily enhancements to be added. Everything we buy is newer, better and more effective, as it should be. This is all good and well - but are you updating and improving you? Don’t you want to be even nicer than you already are? Well, here’s how…
iTunes and my iPhone keep me updated with new and improved stuff. Microsoft has seemingly daily enhancements to be added. Everything we buy is newer, better and more effective, as it should be. This is all good and well - but are you updating and improving you? Don’t you want to be even nicer than you already are? Well, here’s how…
I believe we have an unfortunate tendency to go stale (boring?) in what we do, the way we feel, think and function – and don’t you think that’s a pity? If not, you really should, because we ALL have a heck of a lot more to give, we really do; so why not install an even better version of ourselves in ourselves - duh?
I rarely use the term: “I’m bored”, because to me it’s a very sad statement; it simply tells me that I have reached the BLAH plateau (blah-teau?), which is not a nice place to be. Have I actually run out of stuff that excites me, interests me and keeps me busy in a positive manner? Am I really “satisfied” with me at this point in my life and ignorantly accepting the BLAH, as in: bloody boring?
Well, if I’m bored with myself, how damn boring am I to you, to the people around me and especially to my pets, for crying out loud? You see, we constantly look and expect newness, updates and improvements in things, stuff and ignorantly also from the people we surround us with. So how about looking at ourselves, establish a fresher spring in our steps, blow the cobwebs out of our system and smile a truer smile? Hey, there’s an idea; so let’s do some updating - grab a pen and a pad.
My everyday life is utterly organized. My calendar is full of everything I must, want and shall do daily, down to the smallest detail. Most (normal) individuals, including my wife, children and aforementioned pets, roll eyes and shake their heads concerning how organized I am. But I really don’t care, as I consider that everything I write in my planner, evacuates my brain, keeps my life simple and the space between my ears fairly uncluttered (which actually creates a nice echo effect).
And my organized life extends beyond that, as I also keep an eye on who I am, as I do not like to go stale or boring. So I do an annual “inventory” of me, which takes place around December 31. And it feels very good and I highly recommend it – so I dare you to make you feel better about yourself; there’s a challenge – and you can thank me later...
On one list I write down everything that I find NEGATIVE about myself – and I mean EVERYTHING. I try to look at myself as somebody else would see me; not my Mother – way too bias. Issues about eating as well as I should, more exercise, stuff I do that I shouldn’t do – stuff I shouldn’t do that I do, relationships with other people, especially with my wife, kids and pets, friends and family, overall attitude and so forth. When you really dissect those negative (not favorable) things about yourself, it’s amazing what pops up – but this is all good, it really is.
Then it’s time for the POSITIVE stuff, things you like about yourself and again, write EVERYTHING down – the more the better. What do I like about me, what do people actually see in me that is encouraging, good stuff I do, overall attitude and so forth. If you are doing an honest and thorough job, it’s amazing how great we actually find that we already are - but there will always be room for improvement, of course; that’s why we do this updating stuff, isn’t it?
If you feel like applying outside opinions for an even better perspective, that is certainly an option. Just be careful to digest bias opinions with a bit of “whatever” attitude. Of course ex-boyfriends, girlfriends, wives and husbands will tell you their truth about you, but we don’t really give a hooters what they think about you at this point, do we?
The third and final list is one for your goals, immediate and further into the future. What do you want to accomplish? Prove Einstein wrong about his theory of relativity? Peace on Earth? Find an easier way to open plastic protected electronics? Go back to kindergarten and find out, once and for all, if Lara actually thought you were a hot number (I hope she did)? Invent the perpetual motion machine (and good luck with that)? Nah, you’ll no doubt stay with something easier – something with reality applied.
And then you work on the lists, find ways to improve, adjust and correct. Just by making the lists, we realize things about ourselves that are refreshing. By recognizing our good sides as well as our not so good sides, we have already started to improve ourselves; acknowledging where we are, shows us where we want to go.
To me, updating my relationship with my wife is an important bit. In spite that we do have a good and solid relationship, it can ALWAYS get better. Relationships especially, has so many layers of emotions, thoughts, feelings and expectations that make it easy to even improve on perfection.
But consider what YOU can do to refresh, reboot and update. Is it about more hugs, time together, considerations at work, attentiveness (a big one), concern, interest, listening skills, overall attitude and so forth? You see, the list can be as long as you need it to be. Remember this is about making YOU happy and more energetic about YOUR life. And when you are happy and satisfied with who you are and where you are in life, people around you will feel the same way about you, they really will, as nobody likes a stale and grumpy person.
I like new-year resolutions (link below for one I wrote some time back), because I follow them to the greater extent than not. Being so bloody organized I have a hard time not following what I write down. But the annual self-inventory update bit is heavier and more important. It takes some labor, but it is worth every second of it and then some.
I like new-year resolutions (link below for one I wrote some time back), because I follow them to the greater extent than not. Being so bloody organized I have a hard time not following what I write down. But the annual self-inventory update bit is heavier and more important. It takes some labor, but it is worth every second of it and then some.
If you don’t already do stuff like this, I highly recommend that you start now. Life is short, it really is, so why not be the best you can be (without sounding like a promotion to join the military). You are probably a great person (you must be, reading this blog), so why not try for even better? – and you can thank me later.
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