A large truck just hit this unfortunate man. He is lying in the street, blood everywhere; a select group of bones poking through the skin. We are shocked, stunned and horrified, but as good humanitarians we throw up, jump into action and run over to help him. He is writhing in gruesome pain and agony. So what is the first thing we ask people in those situations? It’s “Are you okay?” You know how stupid that sounds as he is obviously not “okay” to any extent of that word. So why do we ask such a dumb question? Instead, what about: “Wow, does that hurt?” or “we have to stop meeting like this” or my all-time favorite: “Are you an organ donor?” We do the “are you okay?” thing whenever somebody is obviously not okay - very weird.
When we eat a meal between breakfast and lunch, we call it brunch; I can swing with that. But when we eat a meal between lunch and dinner, shouldn’t we call it lunner? Or is that term just too ugly?
On TV they announce that the program was recorded in front of a “live” audience. Please tell me again, what’s the alternative? “Live operators are standing by”. Would dead operators be cheaper and I really don’t think they are “standing” by, more like sitting (though the dead ones might be lying down).
I found out that RIP means Rest In Peace – All these years I thought it meant Remain In Place. This assumption supported by the fact that huge stones are situated on top of the graves to make it near impossible to escape…
Next time somebody ask if you know what time it is, respond by saying: “No I don’t - I’m not from around here.” Make sure to observe their facial expressions – simply priceless.
I’m sure there will be more of these observations later on this blog; you are hereby warned.
This is my weekly blog-post number 26, which means the halfway mark of a year (duh). I started the blog for selfish reasons, as an act of disciplining myself with respect to writing, including construction, organizing, grammar and bla bla bla. As an “audience” (live?) I was aiming at the few friends of mine and a bit of family and friends in Denmark and Sweden. I only expected very few page-views, if any at all. This weekly blog has registered more than 1,300 readers in over 20-some countries; and I know very few people, really, so to me, this is amazing.
I’m taking this moment to thank all of you for reading. I am in utter awe concerning the response the blog is receiving and it makes me humble and it demands of me to keep writing and improve as much as possible, whenever possible.
I have no clue as to why this has happened, but though I am not a bragging dude, it must be because of what I touch concerning LIFE AS IT REALLY IS and the light observations of stuff around us. If you ever find that you would like a certain subject handled, just let me know.
Most of you have signed up to be notified when new posts are published. Those of you who have not signed up yet, please do so – really. If you ever want to get off the list, all you have to do is let me know and off you go. To sign up, just send me an E-Mail with your name (steiness@sbcglobal.net) E-Mail addresses I receive will not be solicited or sold or any of that stuff (only if it’s worth something, of course – (only kidding)). You can also sign up in the column to the right under FOLLOW BY E-MAIL.
Again thanks so much for your interest and time. It is very much appreciated.
Peter B. Steiness
PS. Future posts will be around 700 words (from 850-900 words)
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