Monday, February 13, 2012

DEAR POLITICIAN – Ten Generic Demandments to lead by

The day after I was born, my Mother advised me that there are three subjects I should never discuss, debate or communicate about: politics, religion and sponge-bath techniques. As I got older I could see her point, except for the silly one. But today, a million years later, I will against her advice, stick out that proverbial neck of mine and take some chances. So enjoy this Monday’s post, as it could be the last. (Excuse me; did I hear a sigh of relief?)

2012 is election year here in the U.S.A. (didn’t we just have one?)  That includes political candidates constant debating/arguing, hustling for position in front of open microphones, rolling cameras and kissable babies (Yuk!). As political life is still too male dominated around here, the demure wife is standing by with adoring and rolling eyes, pretending to admire her husband with a frozen smile on her face while thinking: “What the hell am I doing here? Home Shopping Network is on; did I set the recorder? What is that icky looking stuff on his shoe?

I decided on one last blog-Kamikaze mission, expressing my thoughts about politicians and politics, founded on my observations that politicians, their political convictions combined with innate stubbornness, are slowing down progress for all of us instead of speeding it up. When you think about it, you might also find this an unfortunate reality on too many levels.

 As I don’t want to get in trouble with my Mother, the following are my Ten “generic” Demandments that can be applied to any politician or civil servant anywhere in the world, no matter what color, gender, sexual preference or car they drive. Okay, so newly self-elected North Korean dictator, sorry “leader” Kim Jung Un might not find this amusing – but he really should; don’t you agree?

Yes, Dear Reader, I fully acknowledge that not all politicians are off track. If they were, we would not be where we are, of course. Still, in the following there is something for everybody – even I might learn a thing or two (one would be to keep my mouth shut as Mother told me to? There’s an idea).

Dear (put in name of favorite politician or civil servant)
          We are yet again faced with the task of having to place our vote for the persons we believe will actually live up to the promises they make during the electoral race; or “process”, if you feel that sounds nicer. I’m using task as believing quickly goes to disappointment in many cases, as what you told us you would do you didn’t do. We must believe that voting should feel like a privilege, that We the People must feel, believe and trust that we do have a say, that every single vote counts as we should be able to put our true faith in the system, believing that you do work for us, not for yourself – at least that was the plan. Or did some of you forget that?

          To help those of you who are a bit off track with respect to understanding the privilege of being a civil servant, maybe the following will help.

The Ten "generic" Demandments
(In no particular order of importance – as they all are)
We the People are not to any extend ignorant, stupid or uninterested, so stop talking to us as if we were, because if you do, we will seriously lose interest.

We the People listen to what you say, but much more so watch what you do. So do what you say you will do – we are keeping an eye on you (and it even rhymed).

We the People do not consider you a god, goddess, celebrity or super-hero of any kind, so stop acting like one.

We the People ask you to stop screwing around – literally. If you can so ignorantly be unfaithful to your wife (or husband), how easy is it for you to think you can also screw the people, the voters who trusted you as well? If you ever think you can get away with it, you are pathetically incompetent. Ask Clinton, he’s been there and done that. So in the future and before you pull down your pants, envision Nancy Reagan (there’s a picture for you) screaming: JUST SAY NO; so right she was (though it was about drugs, it works for both).

           We the People enjoy fairy-tales, but not one starting with:
“When I’m elected…”

We the People advice you to stop kissing babies, shaking hands with the elderly and pretend that you care. “Oh he kissed a baby and shook Mrs. Anderson’s 103 year old hand, so he must be a great human being and superb leader (or perhaps a closet pervert, if you ask me). We know it’s for the camera, and pretend on any level is pathetic – remember we are not stupid, so get to the issues instead and stop pretending – we don’t buy it.

We the People beg you to stop all that political bickering. We want to hear what YOU are about, not what you think your opponent is not. Slinging mud at somebody else, tells us much more about you. So stop bickering as you are the one ending up with egg on you face – and that is far from pretty; at least mud has some kind of skin healing effect, doesn’t it?

We the People plead with you to seriously work across the aisles, instead of hanging on to your party’s convictions and policies for dear life. If ALL of you consider and acknowledge what is the very best for the country and the people, against and in spite of political agendas, that is what will move us forward; that is what MUST be prevalent. Pride and convictions are fine, but progress for all is much better. Don’t you think?
And by the end of the day, it will all balance out and everybody wins.

We the People beg you to be honest; we are pleading with you to tell us the truth. Dealing with lies and deceptions is a waste of time, depressing and disrespectful.
Make us want to place our vote on election day, not by making it a task, but by making us believe in that glorious privilege it is to vote– and then it’s up to all of us to work together and move forward.
PROGRESS is the only way; don’t you agree?

As long as you remember who you are working for, who elected you and why you wanted to make “politician” your tool to improve our country and our world, you cannot go wrong. Don’t forget that you are also one of We the People, which should keep you humble and appreciative of the honor it is to serve in such an important capacity.
Now, go get it done and don’t screw it up, you hear?

(No, I don’t want to be president, but thanks for asking)…

Make it a good one, please. Until next Monday, perhaps – we’ll see…

PS. In spite of this post, would you consider coming back next Monday if I did a piece on Sponge-Bath Techniques? I thought you would, but I won’t…

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