Monday, July 18, 2011


That’s what they say – as mentioned in earlier posts I’m not totally sure who they are, but they say it anyway. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT, so I must be a cross between a cow, some pig, a flock of chicken and a few turkeys, a variety of fish, marinating in slow churned praline crunch yogurt, a few barrels of wine, bread, cheese, some soda and a few gin and tonics. Okay I know that’s not what they mean. It’s the old thing about stuffing good stuff in and becoming healthy accordingly; it's all about what we eat. The following might make you giggle or make you feel nauseated.

Using some USDA figures concerning meat consumption in the USA, based on a set number of servings per animal, the following is not far from reality. Let’s base this on a 60-year life span of eating adult meals. Assuming we are “average” eaters, we down 5.4 cows, 15.8 pigs, ¼ calf (how could you!), .80 lambs (never had any), 573 chickens and about 35 turkeys and a lot of fish, actually. It kind of makes you think, huh? Or barf? Now imagine all these animals lined up in front of you in alphabetic order and with sad eyes. Looks like a mouthful? And it is... So how do you feel now?
Most of us are trying to maintain a lower weight and we try it in a lot of ways. We exercise, we watch sports (oops, that’s not slimming me down), hikes and walks, etc. but I truly believe that we are not too wild about doing that diet thing, eating healthy, as they call it. I for one, use exercise more so than staying away from what I like to eat (or drink). I figure the dog will have to suffer with me for another 30 minutes on the afternoon walk so I can inhale that additional portion of praline crunch yogurt after dinner. The dog is slim and healthy, as I am obviously not sharing any human food with her – maybe I should try her food for a while? There's an idea.
I used to like fast-food and ate it often, as in a lot. A quarter pounder with cheese, fries and a soda; it's not really that healthy. Lots of that saturated fat stuff makes it taste so darn good. Take that away and the Styrofoam box may actually taste better; just a thought. But now I rarely eat fast-food, and it has helped a lot in the losing weight department– really.
I know what my problem is; I like eating good food as I call it, and for the most, my good food you won't find under “healthy” foods. But do I care? Not really. I always try to substantiate my consumption of the foods I shouldn’t eat. That's where “I’ll start that diet thing tomorrow” comes in handy - for the millionth time. Every time I’m eyeing the bad food stuff, the dog is looking at me fearing she’ll pay with the additional 30 minutes the next morning; and for the most she will.
And don’t buy me candy. I fully know that there are not of speck of goodness in candy, not the kind of candy I like to swallow. I buy a couple of bags of Red Vines and I eat them all in one sitting and certainly before anybody gets home. I simply cannot stop and will not share. Eating a few pieces and then put the rest away for later? Are you kidding me?
We are what we eat is true, but breaking it down within my own silly logic, and long list of excuses, I keep inhaling some of those bad things, but I try to decrease the sizes of the portions and that I’m fairly good at. So I don’t think I’ll end up eating the full 5.4 cows and every single one of those 573 chickens. The lambs and the calves can rest assured that I will never even consider them as a meal – never have. But as long as they make slow churned praline crunch yogurt I will be first in line with a big spoon and a frustrated dog.
This brings me to the fact (good transition), that when we live 75 years, we sleep a solid 25 years. What a waste of time that is. Imagine how much more food we could inhale and enjoy if we didn’t have to sleep so much? Something to consider.

CONGRATS to Japan’s Women’s Soccer Team winning the World Cup gold
CONGRATS to the USA Women’s Soccer Team winning the World Cup silver
CONGRATS to Sweden’s Women’s Soccer Team winning the World Cup bronze.
And thanks to all the other teams for a terrific soccer tournament – really.
The quality of women’s soccer is consistently getting better and better - way to go girls.

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