Monday, December 12, 2016

FATHER-IN-LAW / my great friend from the moment we met

At times life sucks really bad; this is one of those times. My father-in-law just died and I’m utterly devastated. Though I’m a mature person (should be at 70) I still have the pathetic belief (naïve hope) that our parents will live forever or even longer than that. Sure they get older, but dying? Not part of the overall plan. But he did, and I still don’t like it – at all.

I met my wife-to-be in February of 1984 (at 5:30, if you really want to know). She is Swedish and I am Danish, so kind of an interesting combination. I knew even before I introduced myself to her, that this was it – I was hooked, in love and had found my true soul-mate. It took her a few weeks to realize the magic, in spite of me being Danish (giggle giggle). The magic has continued to this day and will till the end of time and no doubt a lot longer (I’m sure you can hear the violins, huh?)

After a few months of ‘dating’, we were informed that her parents were coming from Sweden to visit California. I don’t think we officially had been declared ‘a couple’ by her family, so this was the proverbial meet-the-parents deal. I was as nervous as could be, like really nervous. In ‘preparation’, as her parents didn’t speak any other languages than Swedish, I dived into learning as much Swedish as I could within the very short time available. Luckily I had studied Swedish (must have been some kind of an omen) back in high school in Denmark, so I felt semi okay with what I could ‘utter’, as we were on the way to pick up the parents in the airport – but I was still sweating in really weird places - a lot.

It was very important for me to be able to ‘connect’ with her parents, seeking that important ‘acceptance’, covering ‘I do hope they like me at least a little’. I fretted the ordeal, as it looked as a huge ‘ordeal’ at that moment. But at times when we ‘fret’, we luckily find that ‘what the heck was I worried about?’

From the moment we finally met, all anxieties exhausted and gone, I couldn’t have felt more welcomed and ‘accepted’. But it had never been and never had anything to do with a judgment of me, if I was good enough for their daughter. Stig (yes, his real name) spoke to me in his clear Swedish, and perhaps he slowed down the cadence; I soon found that was the way he spoke. After sweating a few gallons, I finally felt utterly comfortable and when I found that I could also be somewhat funny in Swedish, the ton of weights fell off my shoulders. It was an instant friendship with both parents and everything was wonderful.

Though death is the ultimate reminder of how precious life is, I must say that I always appreciated, enjoyed, and never took my friendship with Stig for granted. Yes, I acknowledged the technical term of ‘father-in-law’, but that never seemed to be what we were. It was so much more a friendship than something (my marriage to one of his daughters) that ‘legally’ brought us together. And I felt that from the moment we met – that was who he was and that was something I picked up immediately – lucky me.

Though being thousands of miles apart, it never really felt like it was. My in-laws would visit us in California often and travel with us from here to Hawaii, Yosemite National Park, Las Vegas, Southern California, etc. We would visit Scandinavia often and then with our boys. By the time our oldest was 23, he had already visited Scandinavia 16 times; we have been very fortunate that way.

Every single time we were going to meet up, my anxieties were raging. I found that I still wanted to be accepted because my wife was all and is everything to me, so my relationship with her parents and family was utterly important. But every single time we re-met, Stig and I picked up where we left off, perhaps a year ago or so; it never failed; and I was together with my pal again, chatting and laughing.

Both my in-laws and my wife’s siblings welcomed me, accepted me (even though I was/am Danish – ha ha). I felt an especially strong and loving bond between Stig and I, perhaps the only 12 year difference between us helped a bit, could be. Our conversations through the 32+ years were always fun and entertaining. Sure some of those conversations were sponsored by Gammel Dansk (a Danish national drink, high on alcohol).

There are so many moments and times of joy to remember, all stored in my heart forever. My wife and mother-in-law were going shopping in Stockholm, so Stig and I were paired up – no problem with that at all; kept us from hanging around outside the numerous Stockholm stores. It was ‘Water Festival Week’ in Stockholm so we went on the longest walk, looking at all the stuff, but much more so, chatting away and having the best of times. We ended up in a bar with an outside deck, where we sipped large beers. Stig was smoking at the time (stopped later on in life), so I (non-smoker) asked for a cigarette and there we were, with our feet up and inhaling the view of the Stockholm waterways. I think we both realized at that moment (as during so many other moments over the years), that life couldn’t get much better, couldn’t be more complete – the very top of a terrific friendship.

We chatted about all aspects of life, the simple things and complicated issues. We didn’t particularly agree as a rule, but always respected each others opinions. But for the most part, our conversations and our times together, were filled with laughter and fun moments – a lot of them. I would often tell Stig how much I loved and adored his daughter, just for him and my mother-in-law to understand how happy we were and what a grand relationship and life we had together. I can clearly see Stig’s expressions as he reacted uncomfortably (after all, he was Swedish). But I could also see how happy he was when I told him – often.

 He was a proud man. He had worked hard to bring up his marriage and four utterly wonderful children. He regretted the earlier times away from his young family as he build a business and made a living for them all. I would ask questions about it, and he would get emotional. But when I kept pointing at his ‘children’ today, how they all had succeeded on so many levels, I saw him exhale and acknowledge what he had done was not bad at all. I often tried to translate the ‘cake and eat it too’ syndrome into Swedish, but couldn’t, though Stig knew precisely what I meant.

Over the many years I had the privilege to be around him, to observe his relationship with his children and with his wife, whom he loved so very much. The way he looked at her, being in love so many years later. I saw how he would sit there in the middle of a party or dinner, observing his children who he loved beyond anything and his children loving him back, no borders. He looked with pride at his grandchildren and great grandchildren. I always saw a satisfied look in his eyes, a look of appreciation, of understanding that he had done just right, had actually done utterly well. But he would never say it – but I could clearly see it.

Last time we were in Sweden (June 2016), I told my wife that I wanted to spend as much time with her father as possible. I had seen him getting ‘older’ since the last time we visited. So Stig and I (with Gammel Dansk) spent a lot of time together. We chatted no end, laughed a lot and found yet again, that life couldn’t get much better. It was an awesome time with my awesome friend – and it was the last, as I had an inclination that it would be – but I never told anybody. When I hugged Stig goodbye, I felt very saddened indeed.

Then he was hospitalized; some cancer issues. My wife flew off to Sweden right away and stayed with her siblings and her father for a couple of weeks. A few days after she returned to California, her father was sent home. But then he was returned to the hospital, had a bad stroke (none of them are any good) and it did not go well from then on. My two sisters-in-law and my brother-in-law stayed with their father day and night. I am in such awe of the love, care and respect they showed their father – not that I was surprised. Just a privilege to know then – it really is, and not just because of that.

And then last night, we were told that Stig had died, passed away quietly, finally found his peace. My buddy was not here physically anymore, but he will continue to live in my heart, of course. My love for him will NEVER die – ever.

I have no regrets in my relationship with Stig. He was an easy friend, not a lot of complications at all. I never took him for granted, but more so always looked forward to our get-togethers. We never ran out of things to talk about, never ran out of things to laugh about. We could also just sit there all quiet, and we both fully understood that was okay as well.

Of course I miss Stig, but also accept his passing as part of being life as it really is. I also miss him because we had more stuff to talk about, so much more to explore and so much more to laugh about. I can clearly see his face, the smirk that always told me that we fully understood each other; on whatever level it was, we were just such good buddies.

My father-in-law? Yes. An excellent friend – much more so; now tucked away in my heart - forever. This sweet and proud man, my great buddy, from the day we met (and now I’m tearing up…)

Stig & Mimmi (June 2016)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

KNOWING ME – knowing you (aha?)

Have you ever contemplated who the heck you really are, the “real” you, deep inside? I have and rather often. I really wonder who the “real” me is, the totally honest, straight forward no-crap virgin Peter. Unfortunately I don’t think I have been able to nail me down to the naked and uncompromising truth about whom and what I really am – or perhaps I have, without recognizing it.

As we grow up in life, we learn to adjust and apply ourselves to the trillions of situations, things, people and the list is long. We express emotions and care and spread it around automatically; we mold ourselves with respect to the situations we are in. Our voices change accordingly, our body-language becomes expressive and what we say can have huge influences on somebody else, influences that are positive or negative, depending on what we say, do, when and where.

We speak in animated non-voices of ours when a baby is near. I hear her on the phone speaking with a different voice, in a type of language she never uses with me. It can be a bit higher or lower on the octave; the voice is slower or faster, etc. Both his body-language and speech changes big-time when the boss enters the room; she becomes another person when listening to rumors, and on we go. So who are we really? Knowing me – knowing you? (Optional: aha…)

And why do we get into these weird (irritating) voices when communicating with babies? Why do we go (sorry Lady Gaga) goo-goo gaga, and don’t you think that kind of communication will delay these poor babies linguistic development? For your information I never used “baby-language” with our kids as they grew up – I refused; I spoke to them in my normal voice - they seem to have survived well.

What I’m mostly concerned about is the way we so fluently can manipulate the truth in front of other people. Okay, I’m not talking blatant lies or inconsistencies, but the non-offensive niceties that make life a bit easier, avoiding confrontations, keeping relationships on track. But my repeat question: is that (also) really me?

In an earlier post about “truth” (see index) I bring up the situation where your best pal has bought a dress and ask your opinion. No matter how ugly and non-fitting this thing is, you rarely, if ever tell her your true opinion. We adjust and apply in seconds and tell her it’s so…well, ‘her’. But don’t you think she knows you are lying – I mean, she is your best friend so she would know your tastes pretty well. That she has the audacity to ask your opinion, is another question all together – how could she?

The point is that so many times 24/7 we are exposed to situations where we are doing that ‘adjust and apply’ thing, where I know that we are leaning away, in a lot of cases “far away” from who we really are – deep down. So shouldn’t I have said: “that thing is so ugly, and makes you look even fatter than you already are”? Speaking the truth as we see it, the truth coming from the ‘real’ me can be so refreshing. Unfortunately people around us don’t always appreciate the real truth, you and I included, and though we try to live by: “the truth and nothing but the truth” we would often end up in big doo doo, with no friends – so we negate the “…and nothing but…”

Does that make us bad persons? Of course not, but solely depending on how much we are NOT ourselves. But doesn’t it make you wonder who you really are? Don’t we feel a bit dishonest when we tell the hostess that the dinner was wonderful, though we felt that sewer-rats in motor-oil based gravy probably would have tasted a lot better – and then we hurl it all up the moment we get home? But we still tell the hostess how wonderful the meal was – huh?

We all have the right to our opinions, tastes and values, no matter what anybody else thinks. That I didn’t like that dinner (I was never invited back, by the way) is not something that can be used against me as the person I am – if you respect who I am, or at least who you think I am. You don’t have to agree with me or like me at all to respect my person as I respect who you are, or as I see you – really. But we still have a complicated problem (confusion?) applying this respect to people who do not expose our opinions, tastes and values – don’t you think? Aha?

We mold ourselves to fit all kinds of situations during our days (and nights), unconsciously molding ourselves away from the real ‘me’ in many to most cases. Okay, so it’s part of existing and I understand that, but wouldn’t it be better if we more so could expose the real us?

But the reality is that we would have a hard time coexisting. As we are very sensitive to our surroundings, people we love, work with, have dinner with, family, and friends and so on, the considerations we apply are vast. We take care not to hurt or (God forbid) insult anybody, or at least, as few as possible. As we all do this, it seems to work more harmoniously. But we do sacrifice who we really are, deep down, because we are not the same person at that dinner, charmingly chatting away, complimenting and reassuring, as we are at dawn the day after, morning breath and pillow-hair, still tasting the ‘rat in motor-oily gravy’, with wishes that you’ll never do that again; what a crappy time; but we still tell the hostess it was lovely.

For the most part we don’t know, we have no idea about who the real me really is; and perhaps that’s good in a way, as we might not like that person at all. I admit that at times I can be very critical, not only concerning myself, but certainly critical of other people. I can be so brutally precarious and opinionated that is shocks even me, big-time. That’s when I especially question who I am – if that is perhaps really the real me; but I hope not.

After a life of contemplating this issue, I have come to the conclusion that besides what you see is what you get, I have been very honest with myself concerning who I am. I am a mixture of the ‘adjust and apply’ and ‘being (brutally) honest’. Though I make fun of the ‘I don’t have many true friends’, it is the truth; and I am fully aware of the ‘why’ as well as I have fully adjusted to it.

I believe in honesty, the truth and (for the most part) nothing but; not saying that I have followed that path religiously as some bumps in the road of life have occurred. But I have found honesty and truth to be the way for me, though at times, that has caused disappointments, not so much for me, but from the negative reactions truth at times create.

I cannot tell you 100% who I really am – because I don’t really know 100%. But I can tell you that I am very okay with who I have been, became and who I am, for most parts of my life. I believe I have lived a life with an equal mixture of the real me and the one who is applicable – and that is so okay and the best I can come up with – friends or no friends. So maybe I should quit wondering – perhaps, and then finish ABBA’s song: Knowing me – knowing you (aha…)

Monday, August 1, 2016

OLYMPIC GAMES – not so naked anymore (sigh)

The Olympics were a lot more exciting back in the days. The unfortunately brief Greek tradition of athletic nudity is believed to have started in the games around 720 BC (BC meaning: Before Christ and not as commonly believed, Bakersfield College). Though not important, these bare-all events were likely introduced by the Spartans, as a tribute to some (naked?) god, to encourage aesthetic appreciation of the male body. Yeah, those first Olympics did not have a single female participant – dang it. And unfortunately, when women’s involvement started, the nakedness stopped – double dang it.
The Greeks only did a handful or so of these Olympic events, but many years later, in the early afternoon of 1894, Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France brought up the idea of modern day Olympics, but without the nudity (“sans nudite” as Pierre said in his native tongue)… Pierre’s thinking was all about the promotion of overall physical education and was no doubt inspired by his visit to the ancient Olympic site near Olympia (that would be in Greece).

After some wheeling and dealing, Pierre was finally approved to start the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which ultimately became the main body of the modern Olympic Games.

The first modern-day Olympics were held in Athens (Greece) in 1896. A crowd of over 60,000 spectators welcomed 280 participants, all male, from 13 nations. They competed in 43 events, including track & field, gymnastics, swimming, wrestling, tennis, weightlifting, shooting and fencing; all participants were amateurs and fully dressed for the occasion. 

Ever since 1896 the summer-Olympics have been held every 4 years, with the exception of 1916 (World War I), 1940 and 1944 (World War II). The Olympic flag consist of five circles representing the five continents and not, as commonly believed, ‘The Seven Deathly Sins’ nor ‘The Seven Dwarfs’. It was raised for the first time in Antwerp (somewhere in Europe – Belgium, actually, if they haven’t moved it) 1920 – so now you know…
The popularity of the Olympic Games made a big jump in 1924 in Paris, when some 3,000 athletes (with 100 fully dressed women) from 44 nations attended. The 2012 Olympics in London reached over 10,500 athletes from over 202 nations – and only a few could still claim amateur status. 

It was around 1924 that the IOC decided to add the Winter Olympics, also every 4 years. And this brings me back to Olympic nakedness (excellent transition). 

Though I could possibly find some excitement with nudity in the Olympics, there are also some considerations that should be mentioned as perhaps a tad disturbing. Now, don’t get all bend out of shape and think of me as male chauvinistic, sexist, (sexy, yes indeed – but not sexist), slightly perverted or ignorant, as all this is written with tongue firmly placed in cheek and that adorable smirk on my face.

This also brings me back to points written in previous posts of mine (links below), about how we are so uncomfortable with other people’s nudity, and especially with our own naked bodies. So watching men and women compete undressed would no doubt be bumpy as well. Of course human curiosity would have us ogle the events intensively for a few moments (or several days), but then again, maybe we wouldn’t – so much. I think the TV ratings would sink, in spite of drooling perverts enjoying it all.

Let’s look at naked ice hockey, as an example. All participants should of course wear the mandatory helmet, a stick and some skates, but nothing else. I think it would be fun to watch from the warm comfort of home for a few minutes, but utterly damn cold for the participants, no matter how many body parts would be flopping all over the place, as well as up and down and side to side. Envisioning that for just a moment, I would no doubt quickly return to the fully dressed version of the games (sigh)… What were those Spartans thinking, huh?
I remember when I was a kid and followed the games. It was all exciting and an awe-inspiring experience. In the beginning it was through the radio’s hyper excited commentators; then black & white TV broadcasts arrived and finally it was in full color and surround-sound. It was all so cool back then and we actually learned the names of so many obscure athletes, all long forgotten by now.

And then things changed. The game’s ‘purity’ slowly, but surely turned to more so of a political arena, as well as corruption and doping popped out of the shadows here and there. The recent drama concerning the way Russia doped up some of their athletes during reason games was not surprising, but nevertheless a sad reality. Suddenly the Olympics were not so virgin anymore and the sanctity of the athletes as well as their performances, were now tainted and pushed into the shadows of politics, chemicals and corporate influence; such a sad veracity.

Sure I appreciate progress, but not progress that’s heading backwards. Yet, in spite of all this, I still admire the performances by any one and all of the athletes. I know they have trained hard and lived a disciplined life to reach their participation in the Olympics. I admire them for their dedication and effort; if they cross the goal line first or last mean nothing to me. That they made it to the Olympics is all that counts – is all that should count.

But at times doubt shows its ugly head when a record is broken or when a performance is out of this world, really. Were there any banned chemicals or some cheating involved? And it is a damn shame that I think like that, as it seriously deflate the utter joy I had for the Olympics so many (innocent) years ago. 


I watched Tour de France like crazy for many years, not only because of the tremendous effort these bikers went through, but also because of the French countryside shown on TV through the races – in full HD color. But then some lying jerk (Lance Armstrong) cheated his way to the top, and pretty much screwed everybody over – 7 times; what a sick person. Since then, I have not watched or have had any interest in the Tour what-so-ever, because how tainted is it – still? What a crying shame that is.

I do watch some of the Olympic Games, the summer as well as the winter versions. I choose and pick by the power of being able to record everything and then watch at my leisure. I still try to convince myself that it’s all on the level; I also truly go out of my way to support and root for the underdogs – all of them. If they are amateurs or professionals doesn’t matter anymore, I mean, what the heck can I do about it?
And what about the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio? It doesn’t look promising with all the turmoil, from venues not being all finished, to crime, corruption, pollution and a Brazilian government struggling with their current massive internal political messy problems and the list is very long, disturbingly so and scary.

Don’t get me wrong, as I certainly want all of the bad stuff to go away; I want so much for all these fantastic young men and women, dressed or not, to have the time of their lives, fully enjoying this pinnacle point within their sport, to burn this experience into a lifelong fond memory, telling their grandchildren over and over how they participated in the biggest athletic event ever, because that’s what the Olympic Games should be all about, and hopefully someday, it might return to some form of innocence again. Perhaps go all the way back to the days when athletes couldn’t hide anything, because they were naked – okay, my expectations going a bit wild...

Yes, I’m going to watch and then I was thinking that since the athletes are not performing naked, I could instead sit in my comfy-chair in front of our surround-sound flat screen HD-TV in all my own glorious nudity and watch them do their thing? Not quite the same, but why not… Yes, not a pretty picture, I hear you say and I can clearly see your eyes rolling. But it would actually be okay, because I would be sitting in total darkness – and not only utterly naked, but also extremely alone; of that I’m very sure (giggle giggle)…
3 posts more about naked issues