Thursday, October 1, 2015

BABIES & KIDS – from dislike to love

I despised babies. From the foul odored poo-poo diapers and vomit, to how adults were constantly drooling and talking in weird voices anytime a baby was near. But the dislike was more so because babies took all the attention away from me. I successfully refused to be drawn in, never sat next to one, and certainly never touched one – ever, until I was about 41, seriously. But things can change, can’t they?

When my friends started to multiply, our relationships ended. I hated being around their slobbering babies, with the constant crying and the never-ending demands and more nasty smelling poop diapers – I mean, it was Yuk on the highest level; I was surely convinced from early adolescents, that there would absolutely not be babies in my future – at all. But wait, there’s more…

I fell in love with my wife the moment I saw her. I was 38 – she was 28. Early into our relationship, I (gently) understood that our future together would include children. Surprising myself, I slowly accepted this revelation. The timing must have been right, as especially my partner was perfect. So ‘Peter having babies’, started to rhyme – though I was still utterly stunned; my mother was as well, for the longest time.

Sixteen months later we were married and fourteen month into our marriage, we were ready to expand the world population. I more so needed to get ready, as I did not have a clue what to do during pregnancy, delivery and especially after the baby came out. So I read many books about babies and how to maintain them; we took Lamaze classes and I slowly became an ‘expert’ - I thought. But soon after the birth part, I found that nothing I had read or studied could prepare me for parenthood – nothing at all. It was very much a ‘learn on the job’ deal.

But I was as prepared as could be when the water broke and delivery started. It was a struggle convincing the baby to come out, as it had one arm over the head through the birth canal. But the three of us worked well together, and our first-born finally arrived. Yes, I was the ‘delivery coach’, and it was weirdly exhilarating.

I had never felt so euphoric on this level in my whole life. Holding this baby, feeling the warmth from his body, the tiny heartbeats, his breath, his skin and the way he looked around so curiously, is a feeling and emotion I still cannot explain. I found myself kissing him and telling him how much I (already) loved him. It was one of the most wonderful days of my life so far (besides marrying my wife). Just thinking about that whole process tears me up a bit – but don’t tell anybody, please.

It was decided to keep him in the nursery overnight for observation, while we, exhausted and excited new parents, retired to our hospital room.

I got up early the next morning to get our new son. On the way to the nursery, I smiled as I thought about how pathetically stupid and ignorant I had been in the past concerning babies. How could I have been so oblivious? I especially chuckled out loud about that thing how ‘all newborn babies look alike’. How silly was that? From the moment he was born I had neither blinked nor taken my eyes off him; I would of course be able to recognize him in a heartbeat. ‘All babies look alike?’  What utter nonsense.

The nursery had about 10 cribs occupied by new babies. I acknowledged the on-duty nurse and quickly scanned the room. There he was – our lovely new son. I eagerly crossed the floor and as I reached into the crib to pick him up, I heard the nurse smiling as she said: ‘Peter, he is over there - in the corner’. My face quickly changed to a deep red. I giggled in utter embarrassment as I walked over to the genuine baby Steiness; I even double-checked his name-tag. So they had been right after-all: ‘all babies do look alike’. Well, at least that morning they seemed to.

Even though I ‘theoretically’ felt prepared for parenthood, I soon found that I was not ‘hands-on’ prepared at all. But by ‘need to’ I learned quickly. Certain whimpers were for food, a slightly different whimper was for diaper change and my favorite whimper was ‘I need to nap with Dad’.

As I wanted to participate in all aspects of our son’s upbringing (though breastfeeding was unfortunately out of my league), I quit my day-job, became self-employed so I could work from home. This way I would look after the baby while my wife returned to work. Though working from home met some lean times, it was one of the best decisions we ever made. Being able to share the care of our son with my wife had him constantly with one of us, and most of the time, with both of us.

My world had shifted dramatically - a wonderful wife and now our beautiful and healthy son. Days and nights were filled with foul (!) diaper changes, feeding, burping, napping, baths, laundry, strolls in the park and lots of playtime. I immediately found an enormous satisfaction and joy being with him. Hugging him, kissing him and loving him, was such a privilege - a privilege I had never experienced before (except with my wife – duh…) This privilege doubled when we had our second son, a couple of years later.

My wife and I shared the parental responsibilities. The result of this early, positive and plenty shared parent involvement, is surely visible today. The relationship between the four of us is solid, respectful and loving. We know and acknowledge how fortunate we all are and we have never taken our little family for granted.

I used to despise babies as they smelled bad and took the attention away from me. Well, now I like babies (okay, for the most part) and children and not just my own. Children have such positive and exciting energy, and as long as we (adults) guide them correctly, they will succeed in whatever they pursue. They are academic sponges and they really want to learn; we just have to show them how, by making it all interesting, challenging and fun.

Look at their faces and look into their eyes – we see eagerness and a zest for life. All we have to do is supporting this positive attitude – and we can certainly all learn something from that as well – so go ahead, please.

For a few years I was fortunate to work with school children from ages 6 to 12. As a volunteer, I created a drama class and clocked in over 3,000 student hours. I wrote and directed four variety shows with eager involvement from the kids; it was an absolute blast.

I coached soccer for many years and the player-list reached over 1,300 youngsters from age 5 to 19 years old. I loved them all dearly, and as I eventually retired from drama-class and soccer, I do miss spending time with ‘the kids’ and their energy – but I have only superb memories.

From disliking children to have my own and even surrounded myself with so many other kids, was for me a dramatic, surprising, but wonderful turn-around. I am sure I have taught these youngsters some positive aspects of life, besides variety shows and soccer, but that will never compare with what they taught me about fun, love, compassion and respect through those years.

Being an involved parent by taking the time and making an effort with our children, any children, actually, gives all of us tremendous rewards. By acknowledging and live by, that every day is a new experience for us as parents as well as it is for our children, we are heading in the right direction. Working together using fun, love, compassion and respect, will only make our days together better and better. I know – I learned ‘on the job’. And ‘yes’ I am still utterly surprised - seriously... Poop diapers and all…

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