Saturday, March 15, 2014

WOMEN – the more the better

I am referring to the stark reality that a lot more women must, should and will eventually participate much more in the leadership of this planet for a considerably better and safer future for all of us. Women must, should and will eventually become a much bigger and even more important part in the positive development of all of our lives; I fully believe that. 

Through too many centuries, the male dominated leadership, has in retrospect (which I’m damn good at) not achieved full potential. To me, leadership based on equal mix of females and males working hand in hand, will achieve this glorious potential. The good news is that this equalization has already started, yes slowly, but picking up speed - and that is a fantastic reality; don’t you think?

Talking about stark realities is the sad and horrific fact concerning the suppression of the female gender through thousands of years. Even today women are being suppressed in many cultures around the world. Besides many pathetic reasons and excuses, cultural and/or religious ‘traditions’, this repression is denying these cultures and countries of a more enlightened and true progress – and that is a sad shame, because when women are involved, things do move along, a lot faster, a lot better and for the most part in a lesser-to-none violent manner. The good news is that things are getting better and better every day – more women are getting more involved.

In 2011 Helle Thorning-Schmidt became the first female Prime Minister of Denmark; good for Helle and good for Denmark. But more interestingly, of the 179 Danish Parliament members, 65 or so, are women. How are we doing in the house and senate here in the USA? In Denmark, as with the other European countries, the involvement of women in leadership roles, in government and in the private sector, is constantly increasing – and that can only be good; don’t you think?

Roberta Pinotti was named Italy’s first female Defense Minister, making her one of five women leaders of military in Europe; I feel safer already. Chancellor Angela Merkel is in charge of Germany. Sheryl Sandberg is one of the top people with Facebook. Hillary Clinton’s political exposure and influence is far from over – with much more to come; Janet Yellen is the new Federal Chief with a rather large economy (USA) to control and guide. Yes, she is the first woman to chair since the Federal Reserve was established in 1913 – way to go Janet. Yahoo’s CEO Marissa Mayer is not doing too badly; and I could easily go on with this list. More and more women are coming up through the ranks, getting involved and even more so, starting to be respected by everybody, not just by the male gender, but by all of us. 

Another positive sign concerning female involvement is that slightly more women than men are getting a higher education here in the USA. No, Dear Readers, it’s not a gender contest, just a fact stating that things are moving in the right direction towards equality by having more women moving up and into leadership roles.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for a world run by females only; I am solely acknowledging that with a much more equal balance of women and men on all levels, we combine all the great stuff, talents, intellect, creative ideas we can ALL contribute – on ALL levels and by both genders - together. Working organized across gender lines, accepting and respecting each other in the name of progress and the pursuit of happiness (and peace on Earth, huh?) will succeed – I am truly convinced of that.

The very first person we hang onto is a woman (that would be the mother person) and she is the very first person we are seriously influenced by, not just for survival, but for comfort, love and security. So why not continue that trend? (Except for the breastfeeding, as that might turn really awkward). For the most part we progressed from this nurturing beginning and for most of us, it made our life-foundation a solid platform from where we developed (thanks, Mom)… Something we rarely think about.

Who has been or who is the most important woman in your life? Asking me, I can’t give a simple answer because it’s not just one woman, no matter how much I want to say: ‘MOM’. But what I can say is that my Mother has been a proverbial rock for me; she still is – her dementia not getting in the way. She has always been a fantastic and supportive friend. 

Another woman who has influenced me (and still does) is my wife and very best friend ever – going on 31 years. Too many things of acknowledgement, so let me highlight one of the more important aspects of our relationship: My wife brings out the very best in me, of who I am. That is a very freeing feeling that makes me progress in a much more solid way, both feet on the ground, which of course also reflects on our relationship – why we are very compatible.

When we look at women’s influence on our everyday life, women’s participation in all the facets of making this globe function, we can only agree that it is so awesome – it really is, especially when we look back and acknowledge the many women of the past who carved the way for today’s women – actually for all of us, really.

Envy and jealousy are unfortunately parts of who we are. That be between genders as well as it is between men and between women. As this (soon former?) male-dominated world is equaled out with higher participation of women, envy and jealousy will still continue, as men will feel threatened in the positions they have had for so long. But I am convinced that with time, we will ALL acknowledge and respect that a positive reality of a more equal mix of genders will profit ALL of us.

As I started my ‘career’, I was for the most part influenced by women. When I moved on and into management, I surrounded myself with female employees. Not just because I worked in the women’s fashion business, which even in Denmark (1960-70) was dominated by males. I always felt very comfortable working with women; I always found it easier and more effective, even in the high energy business we were in.

Back then I didn’t really ‘dissect’ the ‘WHY?’ but now in retrospect I realize that the ‘softer’ approach, not weaker to any extent, was where I functioned much better. 

One of my bosses back then was a real bitch – seriously. She pushed everybody around, males as well as females. When she entered your office, you wanted to hide under the desk, or react even more maturely by covering your eyes so she couldn’t see you (well, it used to work). But the thing is that I really respected her in spite of her bitchiness, as she surely got things moving along – and fast.

One day she raced into my office and announced that she was coming with me to Paris, as I was leaving that evening. I nearly had to change my undergarments, but off we went. So the strangest thing happened that from the second we got in the car and drove to the airport, she was the most charming, relaxed and fun person. 

Our week in Paris was very productive and I was in awe of her communication skills with our suppliers and her overall (new?) demeanor. When we returned to Copenhagen and work, off she went being a bitch again. But during a meeting the day after, she winked at me, and all of a sudden I realized it was just a part she played – so effectively.

Why this story? My male chauvinistic thoughts (yes, I had some of those back then) before I found out her well-kept secret were that I saw her as an abusive woman, rude, intimidating, threatening and bitchy (duh); more interestingly, I blamed her of trying so desperately to imitate a male equal. 

But today I realize that she was who she was, man or women – no difference. It was my ‘male’ side who judged her wrongly, where I should have embraced and respected how well she was doing her job. Sure, nobody liked her (except me after Paris), but I do recall that besides being feared, she was secretly respected by all, though nobody would share that thought out loud; she certainly left a lasting impression on me.

Envy and jealousy will persist – unfortunately, but the closer we get to full gender equality in any workplace and in any government, the better it will be for all of us – I have no doubts about that. I am extremely encouraged by where we are today, and look forward to an even greater and no doubt more peaceful future as more women are getting involved; an equality we’ll ALL profit from – don’t you agree?