I have really great taste. I decided that way back in early 1970 when I worked in the women's fashion business in Denmark. European fashion critics, observers and related magazines kept hammering on everybody, telling us what good taste was and what was bad taste. I all of a sudden realized that I was not comfortable being told by anybody what I should think concerning my tastes, good or bad. So I decided that whatever taste I had was good; it was actually great – for me.
Tastes and opinions about anything and everything are in my book of references very personal. Nobody can tell me otherwise anymore. The downside is that I have to respect other people's “tastes”, not meaning that I agree with what they are, but I still have to respect their choices, because according to my own rules, they also have great taste. Of course when we see this hideous person’s mind-numbing outfit (in a really bad way), we wonder what the heck she has been sniffing, snorting, inhaling or eaten. But when we consider that she actually checked herself in the mirror before she went out that morning and was very pleased with what she saw, we have to respect her taste, don't we? You see, based on my decision of the early 1970’s, individually we all have great taste, it's our own and it's unique. Makes you feel kind of warm and cuddly inside, huh?
Tastes and opinions about anything and everything are in my book of references very personal. Nobody can tell me otherwise anymore. The downside is that I have to respect other people's “tastes”, not meaning that I agree with what they are, but I still have to respect their choices, because according to my own rules, they also have great taste. Of course when we see this hideous person’s mind-numbing outfit (in a really bad way), we wonder what the heck she has been sniffing, snorting, inhaling or eaten. But when we consider that she actually checked herself in the mirror before she went out that morning and was very pleased with what she saw, we have to respect her taste, don't we? You see, based on my decision of the early 1970’s, individually we all have great taste, it's our own and it's unique. Makes you feel kind of warm and cuddly inside, huh?
We are constantly bombarded with how we should think, feel, like, buy and use from advertising and commercials, friends, family and surroundings, from all over the blooming place 24/7. I’m actually fine with that, as I have learned to filter out the blatant lies, avoid being pulled in and told where to go, this way negating being manipulated. So whatever they hit us with, we are now able to decide on our own, choose what WE like and not what THEY want us to like, wear and drink. With hidden messages they even threaten us, that if we don't do what they want us to do or buy or think, we are unfit for society and will die lonely, poor, sorry and sad; that's what they tell us - more or less. But you and I? We are strong because we take a stand by telling them that we are in control and that we know what good taste is; we are in charge - so take that!
Amongst so many other things concerning this, I have a bone to pick with art. Again THEY (whoever the heck they are) tell us what good art is and what art is bad. But the simplicity is, that if I think it’s good, it’s good, even if they keep telling me it's bad; don't they get it? Same with movie critics. Here we have one person telling us what movie we should go see or not, by the quantity of those stupid little stars they attach to their opinions. Does it make sense to go see a movie or not, based on the opinion of only one person? No, it really doesn't make sense. I knew you would agree. (See, I assumed your opinion; manipulation is a piece of cake)…
Okay, I admit I have not fine-tuned this whole concept yet because my immature reactions are still forthcoming, showing their ugly heads. Example: I see the woman in that hideous outfit and instead of respecting her taste in clothing and accept her choices, (and when nobody is listening), I pretty much go: “What the heck is her problem; that outfit sucks sky high.” Well, so much for respect and acceptance. But then again, did I state anywhere above that I’m perfect? I do feel I am allowed to express a little disdain for other people’s real bad taste (when nobody is listening). I can do that because I have such great taste to compare it with – and so do you. We shouldn't have a problem with that, should we? I knew you would agree...
Thought of the week:
When each of us respect diversity, we all get stronger - together.
Make it a good one, please...